3rd & 5th October 2024

Great Malvern, UK

13th Edition


2018 Next Generation Innovators


Schools Outreach

Tuesday 9th October 2018 (all day)

Three Counties Showground, WR13 6NW

A day showcasing creative science, technology, and entrepreneurship for middle and senior school students (Years 7 to 9) from around the region. Bring your class to listen to lectures, participate in hands-on workshops, and tour an extensive exhibition of organisations.

The event was free to attend, but schools (or home-educating parents) needed to register in advance.



Ada Lovelace Day

Occurring annually on the second Tuesday of October (i.e. this very day), Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM.


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Biology Week 2018

Running from 6th-14th October, Biology Week showcases the important and amazing world of the biosciences, getting everyone from children to professional biologists involved in fun and interesting life science activities.


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National Boffin Day

Tuesday, 9 October 2018 is National Boffin Day. It is reported that a group of brilliant scientists who performed their wonders in radar development in Malvern during the Second World War referred to themselves as ‘the boffins’. It’s a day when we can all join together to celebrate intelligence, innovation and creativity in all its forms. Which boffin are you? #BoffinDay

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World Space Week

Each year, the World Space Week Association (WSWA) selects a theme for a designated World Space Week (WSW) to provide a focus for relevant activities and events that take place throughout the world. This year WSW is 4-10 October. We'll also feature some space-themed activities and exhibits in the Festival programme.

@WorldSpaceWeek, @WSW_UK

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Year of Engineering

The Year of Engineering is a UK government campaign which celebrates the world and wonder of engineering during 2018. From spaceships to ice skates, the bubbles in chocolate bars to life saving cancer treatment, engineering touches every part of our lives. However, not enough young people – especially young girls – think it’s a world for them. As a result, the industry is struggling to recruit future talent. What’s more, young people are missing out on the chance to make a positive difference to both their futures, that of the planet and everything that calls it home.

YoEgovuk, #YoE


European Cyber Security Month

ECSM is the EU’s annual advocacy campaign that takes place in October and aims to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing of good practices. We'll be featuring some cyber security exhibitors and workshops during the day, and of course we have our Cyber Security & AI themed business day later in the week.

@CyberSecMonth, #CyberSecMonth

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Rail Week

This dedicated week of activity aims to address the skills shortage in rail-related roles and inspire a generation of young people through a series of events, visits and talks. The events for people at schools, colleges and universities aim to encourage them to consider careers in this great industry.  





Registration & Exhibition Opens


Timetabled talks and workshops begin

@festivalofinnov #InnovateMalvern #STEM #careers #entrepreneurship


[Seminar Room S1]



Engineering in the real world

Dr Ozak Esu is an electrical engineer at Cundall working within the built environment and construction industry, where she appraises existing buildings, and their associated electrical infrastructure, and engineers coordinated electrical services design solutions for new, refurbished, and fit-out projects. She studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and she has published scientific papers in Wind Energy and Advanced Signal Processing. Winner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s ‘Young Woman Engineer of the Year’ award in 2017, Dr Esu is passionate about sharing her knowledge, and enthusing the next generation of engineers.



New innovations in medical physics and radiotherapy

Sonal Bhadane is Leader, Clinical Solutions — Comprehensive Oncology Solutions at Elekta Ltd., a leading innovator in radiation therapy. Sonal leads a global team of Clinical Solutions Specialists overseeing product implementation strategy and client support. Her position allows her to utilize her knowledge of physics and radiation therapy to support the development of innovative technology that helps cure cancer patients. Sonal is a passionate advocate for women in science.




[Seminar Room S2]


From bedroom coding to global business

Alastair Shortland founded Textlocal as a bedroom startup and built 'version 1' of Messenger in 2005. His driving vision at the time was to introduce the power of mobile messaging to the mass market - simple, low cost instant communication for any business, service or community group. In October 2014, Textlocal was acquired by IMImobile, a global mobile technology company. Previously, Alastair studied Computer Science in Nottingham before working for QinetiQ in Malvern.



Exciting careers in computing

Dalim Basu is the Chairman of the BCS North London Branch, the Chartered Institute for IT. He is a judge of BCS/Computing ‘UK IT Awards for Excellence’, and chairs and presents at numerous events and conferences in the UK and overseas. Dalim also mentors and guides IT students, innovators and entrepreneurs at London University and elsewhere.



New kids on the block

Tom Alcott, CEO of BlockMark Technologies will explore what money really is, discuss the problems of making a digital currency and then explain how bitcoins work using blockchain technology. He'll then talk about the new craze of digital collectables and you may even get your hands on a Crypto R0X!






Christine Swan, experienced computer science teacher and visiting lecturer at Birmingham City University, will be Ada Lovelace. And she'll be joined by Richard Henson, Senior Lecturer from the University of Worcester, who will be playing Charles Babbage. Call the TARDIS for these time travellers to arrive through space-time and listen to them talk about life as a celebrated mathematicians and logicians.

@chris_swan & @RichardHenson3


ALovelace  CBabbage





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Planetarium Dome: Galaxies - the home of a billion stars

Explore the night sky within the dome and hear about astrophysics and research into gravity from students at the University of Birmingham's School of Physics and Astronomy, in collaboration with the Institute of Physics. [Stand A29]

@unibirmingham, @IOPMidlands

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Immersive Theatre: From Dream to Discovery: Inside NASA

Join NASA's engineers as they design, test, and launch today's hottest missions into space. Witness the enormity of the new James Webb Space Telescope, the intensity of Goddard Space Flight Center's testing facilities, and the excitement of the New Horizons mission to Pluto. From blueprint to blastoff, experience how unmanned space flight is pushing the frontiers of human exploration to the very edges of the universe! More details of the film here. This feature is kindly supported by the Worcester area branch of the IMechE. [Stand A21]



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Hands-on Raspberry Pi

Students will have the opportunity to work in pairs to programme these mini computer boards to complete a simple hardware control task using Python code. [Stand A12-14]




The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

Marie Jenkins, founder of Advance your Wellbeing, will run interactive workshops for students to explore what it is like to be an entrepreneur and how you can maintain good mental health when facing stresses in the work place. [Stand W1]


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Exoplanets workshop

Discover the amazing world of planetary systems and their exoplanets; worlds with methane-rivers and diamond-mountains. In this workshop you will make a model of a known planetary system with its star and planets and you will calculate the Goldilocks zone and the possibility of life on the planets. [Stand W2







BIFoR (the Birmingham Institute for Forest Research) aims to provide fundamental science, social science and cultural research of direct relevance to forested landscapes anywhere in the world. They make the evidence-based case for forests as part of one-planet living. [Stand A10]


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The BCS (British Computer Society) is the Chartered Institute for IT, an organisation committed to making IT good for society. The Institute fosters links between experts from industry, academia and business to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. At this event, they'll be helping us to celebrate Ada Lovelace day. [Busking]


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Cheltenham Science Group are a community interest company seeking to inspire a new generation to love science, technology, engineering and maths. They will be bringing along a number of hands-on science experiments and demonstrations for students to investigate. [Stand A01-02]



Code Club is a voluntary initiative, founded in 2012, which aims to provide opportunities for children aged 9 to 13 to develop coding skills through free after-school clubs.  An enthusiastic volunteer teams up with a community venue, such as a school or library, to run an after-school club for young people, using specially created Code Club resources. [Stand A15]


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ElectrAA, the Electric Automobile Association, promotes the use of electric vehicles through events, meetings and case studies. Their flagship event is the UK Electric Car Show, held in Great Malvern. [Stand A07]


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Elemensus™ is the perfect game for anyone who wants to play with words and chemistry. You don’t need any extra skills and it’s ideal for anyone over 7. Younger people find it easier than older people and can learn the Periodic Table Elements by osmosis.  Come along and give it a try! [Stand A33-34]


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Embedded Rail Technology Ltd is celebrating Rail Week by talking and exhibiting about civil engineering particularly in the rail industry. [Stand A04]

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Nearly 75 years ago, GE introduced the United State's first jet engine and brought America’s aviation industry into the jet age. Since then, they have developed an entire family of fuel-efficient turbofan engines, accumulating more flight hours than any other commercial aircraft engine in history. Now, GE Aviation Commercial is continuing to build on that legacy with next-generation commercial engines, innovative flight efficiency systems and a dedicated worldwide services network. [Stand A28]



Gordon Coppock is a STEM Ambassador, renewable energy advocate, and a director of two local Solar Community Energy Cooperatives. He will be providing his energy bikes for people to ride that generate electricity from pedal power to light up bulbs of different types, power kettles and smoothie makers, pump water and fry eggs. [Stand A17-18]


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Herefordshire & Ludlow College has a long and proud history of providing quality education to the Herefordshire community and surrounding areas for over 60 years. It welcomes over 7,000 learners each year and offers over 70 full-time courses across two campuses, including a specialist land-based campus, as well as a range of apprenticeships, part-time, HE, recreational, legislative and specialist courses for businesses. [Stand A26]

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The Herefordshire & Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust will be demonstrating their new Geology App. The great variety of rocks in the two counties yields outstanding fossils and minerals and gives rise to wonderful scenery. The Trust is committed to promoting and safeguarding these assets for all the residents of, and visitors to, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. [Stand A24]


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The Imagineering Foundation introduces 8-16 year olds to the fascinating world of engineering and technology through fun, hands-on activities. [Stand A23]


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The Infirmary Museum - Surgeon's Circus - Do you have the knowledge, patience, and skills it takes to be a surgeon? Test your knowledge of the location of the body’s organs. Discover how surgeons look into the body using cameras. Try your hand at the exercises surgeons practise to perfect the dexterity they need to operate. Complete the challenges and you might just be suited to a profession in medicine! [Stand A27]


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Institute of Physics is a leading scientific society; a charitable organisation with a worldwide membership of more than 50,000, working together to advance physics education, research and application. The IOP will be showcasing the Michelson-Morley Interferometer, some virtual reality effects that will demonstrate space-time, and the effects of gravity waves. [Stand A30-32]

@IOPMidlands, PhysicsNews

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Institution of Engineering & Technology. For over 140 years the IET has been inspiring, informing and influencing the global engineering community; supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society. [Stand A12-14]



Institution of Mechanical Engineers works with leading companies, universities, and think tanks to create and share knowledge, fresh thinking and authoritative guidance on all aspects of mechanical engineering. [Stand A22]

@IMechE, @IMechE_Worcs

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Legrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures. In the UK, the company is organised into the following specialist business units: cable management, power distribution, wiring devices, assisted living and healthcare, and data communications. [Stand A25]


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Come and celebrate National Boffin Day with a science quiz and activities. Learn about the group of brilliant scientists who performed their wonders in radar development in Malvern during the Second World War and referred to themselves as ‘the boffins’. It’s a day when we can all join together to celebrate intelligence, innovation and creativity in all its forms. #BoffinDay [Stand A39]


Morgan Motor Company was established in 1909 by H.F.S. Morgan with the design of the Morgan three-wheeler. A four-wheeled model began production in 1936, and Morgan cars have long become famous the world over for their unique blend of charisma, quality materials, craftsmanship and performance. Still hand crafted in Malvern. [Stand A19]


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Malvern Panalytical is a leading provider of scientific instrumentation for the measurement of elemental concentrations, crystallographic structure, molecular structure, remote sensing, rheology, particle size, particle shape, particle concentration and more. [Stand A03]


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Yamazaki Mazak Corporation are leaders in the manufacture of advanced technology solutions including Multi-Tasking, 5-axis, milling, turning, CNC controls and automation systems. Their advanced machine tools are used to manufacture many of today's complex and critical engineering components. [Stand A40-41]


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Malvern Radar and Technology History Society (MRATHS) exists to preserve the heritage of the Government Research at Malvern which conducted research and development in support of the armed forces. To celebrate Boffin Day, come and see the photographic archive material and physical artefacts on display.  The Society will highlight some of past breakthroughs in infra-red and radar technology credited to Malvern's boffins. [Stand A38]

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Steve Dawes, a STEM Ambassador and regular contributor to the monthly family and adult Malvern Raspberry Jam Pi computer sessions at the Wyche Innovation Centre, will showcase some of his Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects. These include controlling LEDs to give stunning visual displays, 3D printed modules for Pi project development, and Internet of Things devices communicating with cloud data services. [Stand A11]

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ROCU - The West Midlands Regional Organised Crime Unit is a collaboration between the police forces of Staffordshire, West Midlands, West Mercia and Warwickshire to fight organised crime across the region. They will be covering a range of topics including opportunities to become a Digital Defender, what Cyber Crime is and what the penalties of Cyber Crime are, and how to protect yourself from Cyber Crime. [Stand A08]


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Today’s modern Royal Air Force (RAF) is the UK’s aerial, peacekeeping and fighting force. RAF Engineers play a vital role in allowing the RAF and wider Defence to deliver its outputs. Engineer Technicians ensure the maintenance operation of highly technical equipment, be it aircraft, support equipment or the wide range of information systems which a modern Air Force needs to operate successfully. RAF Engineer Officers lead teams of highly skilled Engineer Technicians, manage high-tech equipment and budgetary resources, as well as exercise professional engineering judgment in direct support of operations. [Stand A09]

@RoyalAirForce, @rafyouthengage, @RAFEngineering

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STEM Ambassadors use their enthusiasm and commitment to encourage young people to enjoy STEM subjects. They open the doors to a world of opportunities and possibilities which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers. STEM Ambassadors not only inspire young people, they also support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in industry or research. [Stand A35-36]

@STEMLearningUK, @STEMWorcsUni, @STEMAmbassadors

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TDM coach and train employees through a continuously renegotiated Work-Based Learning plan, featuring coaching, short courses and webinars.  They access apprenticeships and levy funding to triangulate employer needs and employee needs with the national need.  [Stand A05]



The Royal Society has played a part in some of the most fundamental, significant, and life-changing discoveries in scientific history and Royal Society scientists continue to make outstanding contributions to science in many research areas. One of their key priorities is to demonstrate the importance of science to everyone, and at this event they will be on hand to discuss their Partnership Grants initiaitve with school teachers. [Stand A37]


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UBRacing is is the University of Birmingham’s official Formula Student Team. They are an entirely student run project with the aim of designing, funding and building a single-seat racing car from scratch to compete in the Formula Student competition each year. The project is run as an extra-curricular activity and involves over 70 students each year from a range of degree subjects. [Stand A20]


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University of Birmingham - Chemical Engineering will be bringing along the University's Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicle to demonstrate fuel cells and electrolysis. [Stand A06]


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The University of Worcester offers highly relevant, very professional courses; excellent, inspiring teaching; a truly friendly, inclusive approach with excellent student support; an outstanding record of graduate employment; and a beautiful home in historic Worcester. Staff from their Institute of Science & the Environment will be participating in this event, so come along to find out more about applied biology, zoology and biochemistry. [Stand A16]
