3rd & 5th October 2024

Great Malvern, UK

13th Edition


Here's the news archive from 2017. To keep up-to-date and receive our newsletter, please register your contact details.


10th October 2017 - The balloon goes up for successful Festival of Innovation in Malvern. Worcester News [Read more]


10th October 2017 - Creative Careers event hosted nearly 100 students to hear about the design process, systems engineering, and innovation that goes into the creation of an Aston Martin sports car.  Malvern College News [Read more]


5th October 2017 - Interactive event hopes to encourage more to study 'difficult' subjects, Worcester News [Read more]


5th October 2017 - Tour the universe at festival family day at Malvern Theatres, Malvern Observer [Read more]


4th October 2017 - Fieldscapes at the Malvern Festival of Innovation, Blogged by Daden Ltd [Read more]


3rd October 2017 - Hands-on microscopy engages students at Next Generation Innovators day, the Quekett Microscopical Club [Read more]


2nd October 2017 - Festival family day includes a chance to tour the universe at Malvern Theatres, Worcester News [Read more]


27th September 2017 - 5G trial is superb news for county, details to be presented at the Business of Innovating day, Worcester News [Read more]


27th September 2017 - Malvern at the forefront of new 5G revolution, Malvern Observer [Read more]


18th September 2017 - Balloon launch will help build students’ tech skills, Malvern Gazette [Read more]


28th August 2017 - Extreme adventurer and specialist aerial drone pilot Newall Hunter to speak at the Festival dinner.


11th August 2017 - Festival makes Malvern a hub of innovation, Malvern Gazette [Read more]


5th August 2017 - Author and technologist Brian Clegg to deliver keynote at the Embarkation, the Festival's launch evening in Malvern College. 


19th July 2017 - We are pleased to welcome London-based technology company Yoti as a Palladium Sponsor of the Cyber Security & AI day. They'll give a keynote at the Festival about the future of identity management.


29th June 2017 - QinetiQ confirm they will once again support the Festival as Gold Sponsor of the Cyber Security & AI day, and exhibit with some hands-on STEM activities at the Next Generation Innovators schools outreach day.


16th June 2017 - Leading law firm Harrison Clark Rickerbys come on board as Palladium Sponsor of the Business of Innovating day.

22nd May 2017
 - We are delighted to announce that research engineer and science broadcaster Rhys Phillips will enthuse students at Next Generation Innovators about the science of thunder & lightning and how the aircraft industry deals with this kind of weather.


5th May 2017 - The region's new Business & Innovation Magazine join us as official media partner to help spread the word and to cover some of the subjects we'll be featuring.


21st April 2017 - STEM Ambassador and automotive engineer Bal Choda confirms he will return to Malvern in 'his' Aston Martin and speak to students at the Creative Careers event.


6th April 2017 - BAE Systems - Applied Intelligence confirmed as a Palladium Sponsor of the Cyber Security & AI day to be held at the Malvern Theatres on Thursday 5th October 2017.


22nd March 2017 - TechNation 2017 report highlights Malvern's cyber security and digital tech cluster, citing the Malvern Festival of Innovation as a notable meetup [Read more].


2nd February 2017 - Malvern Instruments continue their much appreciated support of the Festival by coming back on board as a Silver Sponsor for the Next Generation Innovators schools outreach day.


11th January 2017 - Morgan Motor Company, the home of the iconic sportscar, confirm they will kindly host a new Automotive Advances symposium on the morning of 4th October 2017 during Festival week.


5th January 2017 - The Three Counties Showground confirm they will once again kindly support the Festival as a Gold Sponsor, helping us to stage the Next Generation Innovators event on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 for approximately 800 school-aged students at the Three Counties Centre.


3rd January 2017 - Dates for the 6th edition of the Malvern Festival of Innovation are announced as 2nd-7th October 2017, with the Prelude fringe open-air film show planned for the Sunday 1st October 2017.