3rd & 5th October 2024

Great Malvern, UK

13th Edition


Sunday 11th October 2015

ColouredCarsElectric Vehicle Innovation Showcase

Location: Priory Park and Malvern Theatres, WR14 3HB


 @festivalofinnov, #InnovateMalvern, #EV 


We're delighted that the Malvern Hills Electric Automobile Association (electrAA) are teaming up with the Festival this year with an afternoon of talks / panel discussions and a static display of EVs. Find out how electric cars are developing and why owning one is now a very viable proposition. Malvern is part of a central UK network of charging points, so come along in your own EV and park up at one of the charging locations in town...




Static Display opens

(Priory Park)

The static display of electric vehicles will be in Priory Park just behind the Malvern Theatres. Cars on show will include Tesla, Nissan Leaf, and Renault Zoe.  Other organisations on show are given below the programme.


IAMThe Electric Vehicle Innovation Showcase is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Motorists (IAM)




Introductory Remarks

(Circle Bar)

Jim Murphy



Migrating from Petrol to Electric

(Circle Bar)

Craige Tonge



Tax Breaks in Buying an Electric Car

(Circle Bar)

Dan Wild




Buy an EV for under £8,000 - an EV story

(Circle Bar)

Ben Boxall



Intermission & Static Display

(Priory Park)



Question Time with Expert Panel

(Circle Bar)

Ben Boxall, Adrian Brand, Joe Patel, Mike Schooling, Craig Tonge.

Do you have a question about electric cars you were too afraid to ask? This is your opportunity to ask our panel of experts about owning an EV and to ask them about their experiences.


Some example questions you may wish to ask:

  • What are the pros and cons with owning an electric vehicle?
  • Is the range good enough for my typical usage profile?
  • How much does it cost to service an electric car?
  • Can I charge it from my home 13A socket?
  • Where are all the charging points around the region?
  • Does it cost very much to fully charge a car?
  • What if I run out of charge on my journey?



Closing Remarks

Jim Murphy



Static Display





Exhibitors / Static Display:


In addition to various EVs, the following organisations will be present.



Indra Renewable Technologies Ltd is a UK based supplier of electric vehicle components and services, and a custom electric vehicle specialist. They specialise in the supply of parts and conversion from combustion engine to 100% electric.



The Malvern Hills Electric Automobile Association, ElectrAA, promotes the ownership of and infrastructure for electric vehicles.


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The Wyche Innovation Centre is a business accelerator and technology incubator situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the side of the Malvern Hills. It is home to over 40 businesses & organisations operating from serviced offices, hot desks or as a virtual office. It has an electric car charging point in its car park which is free to use when visiting the Centre.



2015 Sponsors

Thank you to all our 2015 Sponsors and Supporters 

Festival organised by       

In association with            

And with support from 


InnovateMalvern MHDClogo






Platinum Sponsors        
 CiscoLogo IDSIndata QQlogo  

Gold Sponsors



HPLogo WCClogo      
Silver Sponsors      

Next Generation Innovators day:

MalvernLogo 108x51

Cyber Security & Big Data day:






Bronze Sponsors        

Cyber Security & Big Data day:






The Business of Innovating day:


VIP Breakfast Sponsor   Travel Partners    

Cyber Security & Big Data day:




The Innovation Express



The Innovation Shuttles